Thursday 3 May 2012

The Doll Maker's Kane Chronicles Figures

You've probably guessed it. Yeah, I'm caught up in all the frenzy about The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow being released a few days back. I admire Rick Riordan highly and love this particular series a lot. So I though, oh, why don't I model a few dolls on how I imagine the Kane Chronicles characters in my mind. So here go some of my favourite Kane Chronicles figures. Enjoy!

1) Carter Kane and Zia Rasheed

2) Sadie Kane and Anubis, the boy-god

3) Sadie Kane and Walt Stone

(oh, there's Bast as Muffin too!)

4) Bast

5) Isis

6) Horus

Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Doll Maker of Druvad: Vol.1

For a long time now, I have been extremely fond of doll dress-up games online. I consider it a harmless, interesting and creative diversion, with an ever growing variety over the internet. My favourite sites till present are: Doll DivineRinmaru Games and Azalea's Dress up Dolls. I'll keep adding more to the list as and when I discover similarly interesting and helpful ones Here is the first installment, so to say, of screenshot from one of the most intricate and detailed dress-up game I have come across. It's everyone's favourite British royal family: The Tudors.

P.S. I'm the doll maker from Druvad. Just thought I'd let you know. :D

The Tudors

This last one is my favourite: the vampire couple from the court of Henry VII. They fled when Mary Tudor came to the throne. She knew their secret and was determined to exterminate them. A lucky tip helped them escape and they traveled till they reached the Habsburg empire and took up residence in a quite villa on a riverine island.